Category Archives: ginger tea

Zentraveler on the health benefits of ginger root!


Ginger Root

Ginger Root

We are always seeking a magic solution to our health and sometimes the answer is so simple we might say why didn’t I try that.  Ginger  root is very cost effective and something everyone should incorporate into their daily lifestyle. Ginger has medicinal value that dates back thousands of years. It’s actually the rhizome of the ginger plant, and as a widely cultivated herb, it’s used in various forms across the world in foods, drinks, and beauty products. Ancient texts and literature from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe talk of the immense benefits of the root.  In holistic medical practices such as Chinese and Indian Ayurveda, ginger is viewed as a gift from God.

Disclaimer: This website is simply the writers views and is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical or health advice and should not be used to make a diagnosis or to replace or overrule a qualified health care provider’s judgment. None of the statements on Zentraveler are to be understood as a recommendation on how to treat any disease or health related condition. If you require medical or other assistance Zentraveler strongly encourages users to consult with a qualified health care professional.

QUOTE: Fresh ginger combined with cumin and coriander helps to break down high-protein foods such as meat and beans, and lessens the formation of uric acid in the body. With beans, it counters the problems of flatulence. In Indian cooking, no dhal or bean dish is ever contemplated without the addition of ginger. Here we have a great secret of traditional cuisine – food that not only sustains life and promotes growth, but also incorporates cooking techniques that aid digestion.

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW: Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional/alternative medicine. It has been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold, reduce muscle pain and soreness, anti-inflammatory effects, lower blood sugar and help against heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, may help prevent cancer, help fight infections and may improve brain function.

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE: Ginger root…Why not plant your own herb garden and skip the doctors office and pharmacy.  I know grasshopper you have never been to a doctor or a pharmacy and everything you do is ala natural!!!

ZENTRAVELER SAYS: Like onions an garlic every well stocked kitchen should have ginger root.  You can chew it for a sore throat or boil it for a delicious cup of tea and use it for an energy tonic and a  host of medical treatments.

From here to Infinity and Beyond is a relatively short ride! The next leg takes eons and eons as you fly through the Barycentric Dynamical Time Zone! …and on and on and on. Follow the Zentraveler Blog often for Travel, Health and Zen-like stories and such. Where else can you get a three in one blog for the price of free.


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Filed under ginger root, ginger spice, ginger tea, help digestion, Uncategorized

Zentraveler on making the perfect Ginger Tea!

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea

If you really want to be healthy during cold and flu season you simply need to drink one or two cups of Ginger Tea each day. Not only is the tea good for any respiratory problems, flus and colds, but can drive away the winter blues without taking expensive tranquilizers with many harmful side effects.

Ginger Tea is also cost-effective saving you many dollars trying to discover the perfect health tea. You need to look no farther. Simply go to any market and purchase fresh ginger root and begin to make your own Ginger Tea. My partner Perla washes the ginger root, slices it into small pieces, and then boils the ginger in mineral water for fifteen minutes. She then pours the ginger tea with some of the Ginger slices into a large thermos… which makes about four cups and can stay hot for at least one day.

You start each morning with a hot cup of ginger tea and can sweeten to taste with pure natural honey and add a bit of lemon for zest. Ginger Tea has many health benefits and can be enjoyed anytime throughout the day.You end your day by taking a hot cup of ginger tea just before going to bed and you sleep like a baby all night long or if that doesn’t conjure up sleep… how about sleep like a hibernating bear.

Ginger root is known for its medicinal properties and it is used in many traditional medicines. The healing benefits of ginger are mainly due to its volatile oils and the high oleoresin content. A lot of research has been going on to find out the herbal benefits of this herb and so far, the researchers have found many health benefits of ginger roots. Ginger is native to Asia, especially India and it’s been used in the traditional Indian medicines (Ayurveda) and Chinese medicines for more than three thousand years.

The health benefits of Ginger Tea includes: Helps boost the immune system and promote cardiovascular health. Treating Nausea: The brew has been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat nausea. Pregnant women report relief from morning sickness after consuming small amounts of ginger root, ginger tea, and ginger ale. When given in large doses, ginger also relieves chemotherapy-related nausea.

Relieving Joint Pain: Ginger has been used to treat joint pain by stimulating blood circulation and has been used to relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud’s syndrome.

Digestive Disorders: The herb can be used to address flatulence, indigestion, and diarrhea. It does this by mimicking some digestive enzymes used to process protein in the body.

Treating Colds: Drinking ginger herbal tea is sometimes recommended for relief of cold symptoms because it is said to loosen phlegm and fight chills by spreading a warm feeling throughout the body.

Promoting Heart Health: As little as 5 grams of dried ginger a day has shown to slow the production of triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol in the liver.

So, as we can see ginger tea is excellent for the health as it can offer you so many health benefits. But you should be aware of some the side effects of it as well.

Caution: Do not take ginger or ginger tea during pregnancy without consulting your doctor. If you have a medical history of gallstones you should consult your doctor before taking ginger tea. Ginger tea should not be taken before any kind of surgery and should be stopped at least a week prior to the day of surgery. The high amount of ginger intake can cause stomach problems as well.

Disclaimer: This website is simply the writers views and is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical or health advice and should not be used to make a diagnosis or to replace or overrule a qualified health care provider’s judgment. None of the statements on Zentraveler are to be understood as a recommendation on how to treat any disease or health related condition. If you require medical or other assistance Zentraveler strongly encourages users to consult with a qualified health care professional.

QUOTE:Money can’t buy you love, but it can get you some really good chocolate ginger biscuits.

THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW: Ginger was widely used by the ancient Romans and it was a very expensive spice, one pound of ginger was equivalent to the price of a whole sheep. Ginger almost became lost in history after the fall of the Roman empire but became popular again when Europe re-discovered it. Ginger has influenced the history of man since ancient China, wars were waged and entire dynasties rose and fell with the objective of seizing it. The trade of such spices were the root of the world’s economy for centuries.

THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO SAVE:Ginger!Ginger is good for your health and has been said by some to be a plant directly from the Garden of Eden. It is also said that consuming Ginger before taking a plane flight can prevent motion sickness. It can make good tea, or you can use it as a spicy addition to almost any recipe.

Drink a Cup of Ginger Tea

Drink a Cup of Ginger Tea

ZENTRAVELER SAYS:Drink several cups of Ginger Tea daily and live to be as old as Moses!

From here to Infinity is a relatively short ride! The next leg takes eons and eons as you fly through the Barycentric Dynamical Time Zone! …and on and on and on.

Follow the Zentraveler Blog often for Travel, Health and Zen-like stories and such. Where else can you get a three in one blog for the price of free?

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Filed under Blogging, ginger root, ginger tea, health, health benefits of ginger tea, Uncategorized